We're really not that different from any other suburban American family... except that we all (to varying degrees) play WoW.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I got invited to Cataclysm Beta! (I really did)

[Brizzard GM4realz]: Dear prayers your account has been found in to be serected for new Cataclysm beta game testing. Go to www.hackmeandleavemenaked.com to sign up for beta and get your free mount! or we will found you in violation and suspend your account.

If you've played WoW for any length of time you have received an in game whisper similar to this (the sad part is since the Chinese gold farmers use such crappy translation software the whispers don't look much different than I was able to exaggerate in my meager attempt at humor). In any event, I'm sure this is what everyone is thinking I mean when I say that I got invited to Beta testing for the new expansion. I have to admit that at first I thought it may have been a scam when I saw the e-mail in my inbox (my real e-mail, not in game mail). Against my better judgment I opened the e-mail and read it. I'm glad I did because it was legit and I am now an official Beta tester for the upcoming Cataclysm expansion!

I spent most of the last evening downloading and installing the beta client. It was huge! 700 megs just for the installer and roughly 20 gigs for the game client. I left it downloading all night and since the game becomes playable at 75% download, I was able to dabble a little bit this morning. As I write this it's about 90% complete. 

I'm very new to the blogosphere and so I may not be up to speed on all of the unspoken etiquette rules that one should follow when posting here. For that reason I won't be putting any spoilers in my posts. There's plenty of websites that are already doing that and anything I would hope to add here would probably be old news anyway. That said, I consider it an honor to have been selected although I have no idea why on earth they would pick me. I would like to think it was because I happen to play one of the classes that will see the most change. I think it's probably much more likely however that their choosing me was completely a result of the RNG (hmmm maybe I should have bought a lottery ticket this week). What ever the reason though I will do my best to help out however I can. I will provide the developers with feedback they can use so that hopefully when the finished product finally does hit the shelves it will be enjoyable for everyone.

Two things I will say that I have noticed so far...
1) A LOT has changed. The zones most affected by the Cataclysm are barely recognizable.
2) With regards to the Worgen and Goblins races... I am very impressed with the aesthetic appearance of one race and very under-whelmed by the other. This is not surprising. What is surprising is that it is the exact opposite of what I thought I would see.

Stay tuned....